Local Time: Athens

суббота, сентября 09, 2006

Read these things with your heart, and listen to the changes that come from opened eyes...

Natasha Simonova...

"The thing that left the biggest impression on me was when the teams would get together before opening the refugee center and pray. It was amazing and overwhelming that everyone would pray in their own language - Turkish, Albanian, Farsi, Russian, English, Greek, Arabic...and it was beautiful. No one had to understand, but it was with one spirit and with one vision. We were one team and one group, and could call on the Lord together,

It reminded me of the verse...

"and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Philippians 2:11

How amazing to participate in something like that."

Natasha Kazimirova...

"My life would be different if several things had not happened during our trip. First the prayer walk that first day with Lost Coin ministry. Then the conversation that I had with the prostitute from Latvia, and the expression in her eyes will stay with me for a long time. Another thing that stuck with me is the conversation in the refugee center about God with a man and his children from Yemen. Also talking with Ukrainian Maria, who had just been robbed and seeing her need being realistically met by those working at the center. The last moment was to see the real and present danger of believing in Jesus, as we saw during our time how one young Kurdish Christian man was in danger of his life because of his faith. These things and others changed my life. I do want to spend my life now talking about those needs that I saw there in Greece. I want to tell others about the needs so that God will send others for a longer time, as there is such a huge need for Russian speakers. We were the witnesses of this need!"

Almira Mosikova...

"I liked it all. Especially working with refugees, and being with them day in and out and seeing how we helped them. Even just pouring tea or playing with their children or washing dishes, that was help. And talking with them it was amazing to me that I could actually share my testimony. I talked with women from Bulgaria, and as they listened they were crying. It was amazing to see how I could be effective. And then returning to Moscow I know that I will continue to call and write Vera, this Bulgarian woman. Also, I was totally overwhelmed by going to minister to those working in brothels. When I was walking toward their brothels, I was trembling as I felt that I would never go there without this ministry. And I felt like I was in the enemy territory, but when I realized that our brothers and sisters were praying with us for this very "fight" then I was able to continue. And I was able to go into their brothels and minister to them with love, and the words of truth. We did not lose time and opportunity. Without that time these girls would never have known that God loves them, and they must and should know.

I was also really touched by the testimony of Albanian and a Russian refugee who met with Christ while in Greece. Their stories were amazing. I now want to be part of the movement to change lives, to minister to refugees so that they too might hear the word of truth. I want to serve them so that they might serve others."

Yeehaw! Yippee! Vo!
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