Local Time: Athens

суббота, сентября 09, 2006



dinner with Makraban
Originally uploaded by stasasrru.

Dinner with Makraban

This is the family with the amazing monti! What a welcome from such a gentle spirit. We pray that our words of truth shared will bring everlasting fruit. And that we will meet yet again.

Small ones
Originally uploaded by stasasrru.

Small Ones

Isn't she a cutie? Who knows what the future holds for this little refugee? But her family is surrounded by the truth, and we hold the hope that she will hear and listen!

Games and laughter
Originally uploaded by stasasrru.

Games and laughter

Our Natasha K. managed as usual to get the kids riled up for rejoicing and joy! Without Turkish, Arabic or Farsi she had them singing and doing hand motions to praise songs. And they loved it!

Beauty and joy
Originally uploaded by stasasrru.

Beauty and joy

Isn't it amazing how without any language there can still be relationship? This young refugee gal was always following Almira around, and seemed encouraged by her presence!

Our guys
Originally uploaded by stasasrru.

Our guys

Without their participation this trip would have been missing a key element. They were indeed God's men!

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